Saturday, July 26, 2008

Plastic bags!

I just read this email and it really got me thinking.  It is about all of the plastic bags we use.  Since I've been doing so much shopping (uhhh...freeing!) I've brought home a  lot of bags.  I usually keep and reuse them for other stuff, but eventually they do end up somewhere, right???  I've seen on the news about taking your own bag, but never seriously thought about doing it myself.  After seeing this, I think I'm going to.  You should see the slideshow here.  It says that if 1 in 5 people in our country did this we would save 1,330,560,000,000 bags in our lifetime.  And that's only counting if we saved 6 bags a week.  I know I come home with way more than six bags a week!  In my search about this I've found several sites that show you how to make your own out of stuff you already have.  Here and here are examples.  I'm gonna give it a go!  I'll post pics later!

If you already do this, or have a question or tip, please leave a comment!  Thanks!

1 comment:

diddlesgirl said...

hah! i beat you to something for once! i bought bags for 99 cents each at kroger and they give you a small credit for using them... i know that isn't much, but if i really use them i will help a little!